I am a programmer and all-around computer person by trade. Almost entirely Linux, mostly web, a touch of applications, and smidgen of Windows and macOS.
At Truth Initiative, I help build websites and other software for smoking cessation interventions and research as a Senior Software Engineer. Previously, I was a programmer at USNews & World Report where I worked on data collection, websites, and some system operations. I graduated from The College of Wooster with a BA in Computer Science after a mixture of unschooling (mostly), regular K-12, and community college at Northern Virginia Community College.
I grew up playing with Pascal, C, Forth, Scheme, and assembly. I now mostly write Python (Django and command-line tools), Javascript, and PHP. I like Git, but also wish it was different.
I have three wonderful children with my wife. We like to take walks, play Stardew Valley, do some light 3D printing, and otherwise have fun and learn.
Feel free to look at my blog.
My name is somewhat uncommon but not hugely so. For much of my life, I saw stories about Byron Peebles, trombonist, who passed away in 2017 (brief bio).