So it’s 2025. As is pretty normal, I think, this blog has been largely untouched for awhile. I made a few fixes and minor updates. I have been trying to approach things a bit differently and are hoping to be a bit more bold at trying to express myself and be part of communities. I have a few thoughts below that I plan to use for inspiration this coming year.

What are some ideas to write about? Well, I’ve been working with Heroku for nearly ten years so I probably could have some general thoughts about that. I’ve been consistently more active on the English Wikipedia and maybe could have some useful ideas about that. I think, overall, figuring out how to be more active at contributing back to open source software I use.
For example, I ran across an error when using NeoVim and ncm2-jedi with a newer version of Python. I was able to track down what was causing the problem for me, and actually submitted a PR! Sadly, the repo seems fairly inactive but maybe it will be merged to help other people (or maybe it was somehow just a me problem). Of course, my submitting a PR shouldn’t really be that big of a deal, I submit and review dozens and dozens of them every year for work. But helping myself take the time and effort to do it for open source projects is something I hope to improve on this year.
I’ve never been big on making New Year’s resolutions but I think using a point like this as a way to reassess and think about changes clearly isn’t a bad thing to do. (My work often has some seasonal resolution-related traffic, since we make websites that help people quit smoking.)